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Currency Exchange Rates in Laravel

Currency Exchange Rates in Laravel

Laravel Currency is a package that provides current and historical exchange rates for currency and cryptocurrencies. The package leverages the exchangerate.host API for exchange rate data, and has a clean API for getting data:

use AmrShawky\Currency\Facade\Currency;

// Get the current USD -> EUR exchange rate

// Historical exchange rate data

// Get all of the latest rates

// A more complete example, getting historical rates
        ->symbols(['USD', 'EUR', 'CZK'])

You can learn more about this package, get full installation instructions, and view the source code on GitHub. You can learn more about the exchangerate.host API by reading the official API documentation.

This package was submitted to our Laravel News Links section. Links is a place the community can post packages and tutorials around the Laravel ecosystem. Follow along on Twitter @LaravelLinks
